
Mocca Band

Created by Sabila Adinta Bidari at 5:59 PM

mocca band
Holla everybody!

do you have your own favourite bands or fav songs? you definitely have it.

So, one of my favourite is Mocca Band. This Indonesian four-member band has been stolen my heart since i was only a kid!

Ceritanya bermulai sejak tahun 2005, waktu aku lagi dijalan menuju ke Bandar Lampung setelah dapet kabar bahwa Nenekku telah passed away. Selama kurang lebih 6 jam perjalanan dari Bekasi-Bandar Lampung, lagu yang diputer sama Papaku itu adalah salah satu album lagunya Mocca. Dan bener-bener cuma satu album ini aja yang terus-terusan diputer tanpa diganti. Nah semenjak itulah aku jadi hapal dan kenal sama lagu-lagu band ini.

But since that day until now, aku gak pernah tau apa-apa tentang Mocca band ini. Yang aku tau tentang identitas lagu-lagu yang udah nemenin aku selama 8 tahun ini cuma satu (tapi aku tau kok judul-judul lagunya), yaitu nama band yang melantunkan mereka; Mocca. Tapi aku gak tau bagaimana rupa para membernya, membernya ada berapa orang, asal band ini darimana (aku baru tau band ini dari indonesia sekitar awal taun 2013),  nama membernya siapa aja, aku bener-bener gak tau. yang aku tau cuma lagu-lagunya, dan nama bandnya aja.

then i'm trying to find out about this band.... before i finally write this post.

jadi ternyata Mocca band ini udah pernah debut di Singapore, Jepang, dan Korea. dan lagu-lagunya banyak dipake drama-drama Korea jadi OST ataupun backsound, dan juga buat produk-produk iklan.

nah ini aku kutip dari wikipedia:

While in college, Arina and Riko decided to get together and form a band. For a year, they struggled with performing other people's music, finding themselves bored with the lack of innovation, at which point they decided to write their own songs. In 1997, they composed four songs that unfortunately were not well received by the rest of the band. After much squabbling and conflict the band split up, leaving only Arina and Riko with their songs. 
In late 1999, they asked Indra and Toma to join and Mocca was born. They now had a group with the same vision and awareness of music. 
Having signed a contract with FFWD Records, helped Mocca a lot to go international. FFWD is previously a distributor for international indie-pop labels from Japan and Singapore to Sweden. All Mocca's album are distributed by FFWD's partner labels : Fruit Records in Singapore, Small Room in Thailand, Apple Crumble in Japan, Beatball from Korea, and My Honey from Italy. 
Their debut album My Diary contains 13 songs written from a girl's point of view and her diary entries. The lyrics are in English, and the music mixes waltz, bossa nova, 70s disco, and rock. Rolling Stone Indonesia magazine placed My Diary on their "150 Greatest Indonesian Albums of All Time" list at number 59. The magazine also ranked Mocca's song, "Me and My Boyfriend" at #150 on "150 Greatest Indonesian Songs of All Time" list. 

With simple and beautiful songs, all in English, the band gained popularity in neighbors countries especially in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Mocca has performed plenty of times in these countries. In 2006 Mocca collaborated with Swedish singer Karolina Komstedt, lead singer of the Swedish pop group Club 8. In 2007 Mocca performed in Japan as one of the headliners, long before that in 2004 they have performed in Okinawa as well. In 2008 they held in Malaysia and several gigs in Singapore too. Mocca’s latest international show was a solo concert held at Seoul, South Korea on May 2009.
Konser Mocca di Korea
In 2010, their songs were used for several movie soundtracks in Korea, including BandhobiPersonal Taste, and Flower Boy Ramen Shop. 
They have decided to take some vacuum time since 15 July 2011. Their last show titled "Annabelle and the Music Box" held at Hall A Basket Senayan, Jakarta.

Menurutku Mocca bener-bener band yang gak neko-neko tapi sukses dan emang karyanya bagus-bagus. mereka ga banyak cari sensasi di media televisi indonesia, but people loves 'em. they're popular. their songs too. and they're also go international.

and you must try to listen at least one of their song!!!!!!!!!

just click and listen:

♥ Mocca - My Only One
Mocca - I Remember
Mocca - Dear Diary
Mocca - It's Over Now
Mocca - On the night like this
Mocca - Me and my boyfriend

pokonya cari aja yang lain sendiri :p


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